This site (, ("Site"), is published and maintained by PMB Investment Berhad ("PMB Investment"). By using this Site or any reports, financial statements, data, information, contents, product and services available and/or provided by the Site (Collectively " Materials"), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein ("Terms of Use"). PMB Investment may periodically modify these Terms of Use without prior notice. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, kindly do not use this Site.

Cooling-off is granted to PMB INVESTMENT unit holders investing in any unit trust fund managed by PMB INVESTMENT that is not granted exemptions from provisions in the Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds relating to the cooling-off right and any other funds as may be determined by PMB INVESTMENT from time to time. Such facilities are only made available to PMB INVESTMENT unit holders with existing investments in PMB INVESTMENT unit trust funds.

PMB INVESTMENT Electronic Platforms are available 24/7. However, any online financial transaction via PMB INVESTMENT Electronic Platforms can only be performed during transaction hours. Kindly refer to PMB INVESTMENT Electronic Platforms for specific transaction hours. PMB INVESTMENT may, at its discretion, change the transaction hours from time to time. PMB INVESTMENT will process unit holders' applications upon receipt of payment from the respective bank, subject to the financial transaction terms and conditions. PMB INVESTMENT unit holders may check the application status at the nearest consultant, branches, and other electronic platforms (real-time) offered by PMB INVESTMENT.

The reimbursement of any rejected application will be undertaken by PMB INVESTMENT using available channels, such as cheques and/or options for payment transfers, such as electronic fund transfers, up to fourteen (14) business days once the relevant processing procedures have been completed. PMB INVESTMENT is not liable for any loss, either direct or otherwise, arising from the use of any part of the information contained in PMB INVESTMENT Electronic Platforms. The exclusion of any liability in respect of any error or omission by PMB INVESTMENT and any relevant third party.


PMB Investment may modify, suspend, discontinue, or restrict the use and availability of any portion of this Site at any time, without notice or liability. Your use of this Site may be monitored by PMB Investment and used for PMB Investment's marketing and research purposes.



PMB Investment grants you a limited, revocable, nonexclusive, non-transferable license to view, save/store, bookmark, download, and print the pages within this Site solely for your personal, informational and non-commercial use or as expressly authorized by PMB Investment herein. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all equipment, services, and other materials that you need to access this Site. PMB Investment reserves all rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use. Except as otherwise stated in these Terms of Use, you may not:

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The Link must resolve either to PMB Investment's portal page at, or to the appropriate PMB Investment's website pages, unaltered in any way;

The text of the Link must read either "PMB Investment Berhad," "PMB Investment," “”. You may not use any PMB Investment logo or graphic, or any other PMB Investment trademark, as part of the Link without PMB Investment's express written permission;

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For authentication purposes, certain features on this Site may require you to submit your personal code to access these features. You agree to provide PMB Investment with current, complete, and accurate information as prompted by the applicable registration process and agree to regularly update this information to maintain its completeness and accuracy. 

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any account information, user names, logins and passwords that you use to access any page or feature on this Site, and for logging off your account and any protected areas of the Site. Further, you are fully responsible for all activities occurring under your accounts, user names, logins and passwords that result from your omission, negligence, carelessness, misconduct, or failure to use or maintain appropriate security measures. If you become aware of any suspicious or unauthorized conduct concerning your accounts, user names, logins or passwords, you agree to inform PMB Investment immediately. You shall not upload, share, publish any material which are illegal, false, inappropriate, offensive, abusive, defamatory or which shall give rise to civil or criminal liability or infringe the rights of another. PMB Investment will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to meet your responsibilities stated in this paragraph. You understand and agree that we may review, delete, remove any content, information, material, and further suspend or terminate your account or profile without notice if you are found to have violated these terms and conditions.

Promotional and marketing materials may be electronically transmitted to the e-mail address you provide to us when you use the products and services on this Site. You may opt to stop receiving such e-mails.



While PMB Investment is committed to maintain high security measures to ensure information provided are secure, there are risks beyond PMB Investment's control in Internet communications. As a precaution, you should always make sure that your personal computer is secured and protected from unauthorized access and/or virus that may reveal your confidential information to third party. You should also be wary of email scams and attachments that may attempt to steal information about and/or from you.

Please note that communication over the Site is not transmitted via a private or secure link or in encrypted form and is therefore subject to the usual hazards of Internet communications, nor can it be guaranteed that this communication has not been the subject of unauthorized interception or modification.



You may transact your investment in the unit trust fund by the following methods:

  1. Online via
  2. Contact their servicing unit trust consultant.
  3. Through their Institutional Unit Trust Advisers (IUTA) or Corporate Unit Trust Advisers (CUTA).
  4. Go to the PMB Investment Main Office or the nearest Regional/State Office.


Processing of Online Applications

Submission of Application:
Investors must ensure all required details are accurate and complete before submitting the application form online.

Upon receipt of the application, the Company will send a confirmation to the email address provided.

The application will be processed by the Customer Service Unit within the specified timeframe. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the number of applications and the complexity of details. Investors will be notified of the application status via email, whether it has been approved or not.

Notification Delivery:
If the application is approved, an official notice will be sent to investors via email and SMS, using the contact details registered during application submission.



A first time individual investor with the Manager shall have the right, within 6 Business Days, commencing from the day the completed application is received and accepted by the Manager to withdraw his/her investment in the Fund. However, this cooling-off period does not apply to a staff of the Manager and a person registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts.


The refund pursuant to an excercise of a cooling-off right will be as follow:


  • If the original price of a unit is higher then the price of a unit at the point of exercise of the cooling-off right("market price"), the market price at the point of cooling-off; or
  • If the market price is higher than the original price, the original price at the point of cooling-off.


The Manager will refund the charges imposed on the day the units were purchased
The money payable out of this transaction will be refunded to the investor within seven (7) Business Days of the Manager's receipt of the repurchase request



All Materials on this Site, whether separate or compiled, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, buttons, images, reports, digital downloads, data compilations, software, icons, html code and xml code, any other source code, as well as all copyright, patent, trademark, and other rights therein irrespective registered or not, are intellectual property rights of PMB Investment and its third-party information providers. We do not have control over content published on the Website which may belong to other parties and cannot guarantee the authenticity of any content which users may provide generally during the course of their use of the Website.



All trademarks, service marks, and logos appearing on this Site irrespective registered or not shall at all times vest and remain vested in PMB Investment.



The rights granted to you herein shall terminate immediately upon any violation by you of these Terms of Use.

PMB Investment, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to temporarily or permanently terminate your access to and use of this Site at any time and for any reason whatsoever, without notice or liability. PMB Investment will not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to or use of this Site.

Copyright 2024 PMB Investment Berhad. All rights reserved.